		Who this book is for
		What's in this book?
		Platform Notes
		Other Books
		Conventions Used in This Book
		We'd like to Hear from You 
1.Getting Started: Compiling, Running and Debugging	
		Compiling and running Java 	
		Compiling Co-Dependant Classes 	
		Running Applets 	
		Dealing with Deprecation Warnings 	
		Conditional Debugging without #ifdef 	
		Debugging Printouts 	
		Using a debugger 	
		Avoid the need for debuggers 	
		Decompiling Java class files 	
		Preventing others from decompiling your Java files 	
		Getting readable tracebacks: Disabling JIT 	
		Where to find more Java source code 	
2.Interacting with the environment	
		Environment Variables? 	
		System Properties 	
		Writing JDK-Release-dependent Code 	
		Writing Operating-System-dependent Code 	
		Effective use of CLASSPATH 	
		Parsing Command-line arguments 	
3.Strings and Things	
		Taking Strings Apart with Substrings 	
		Taking Strings Apart with StringTokenizer 	
		Putting Strings together: + and StringBuffer 	
		Converting Between Unicode Characters and Values 	
		Processing a String One Character at a Time 	
		Reversing a String by Word or Character 	
		Expanding and Compressing Tabs 	
		Controlling Case 	
		Indenting Text Documents 	
		Entering Unprintable Characters 	
		Trimming Blanks from the Ends of a String 	
		Program: A simple text formatter 	
		Program: Soundex Name Comparisons 	
4.Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions	
		Regular Expression Syntax 	
		How do they work in practice? 	
		How do they work in Theory? 	
		Using regular expressions in Java 	
		Reusing the compiled pattern 	
		Matching newlines in text 	
		Matching text throughout files 	
		Finding the text that matched 	
		Replacing the Text that Matched 	
		Program: Full Grep 	
		Checking Whether a String Is a Valid Number 	
		Storing a larger number in a smaller. 	
		Taking a fraction of an integer without using floating point 	
		Ensuring the Accuracy of Floating-Point Numbers 	
		Comparing Floating Point Numbers 	
		Rounding Floating-Point Numbers 	
		Formatting Numbers: Commas or Periods, Leading Zeros, and other issues 	
		Converting Between Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal 	
		Operating on a Series of Integers 	
		Working with Roman Numerals 	
		Formatting with Correct Plurals 	
		Generating Random Numbers 	
		Generating Different Random Numbers 	
		Making Numbers Even More Random 	
		Calculating More Trigonometric Functions 	
		Taking Logarithms 	
		Multiplying Matrices 	
		Using Complex Numbers 	
		Handling very large numbers 	
		Program: TempConverter 	
		Program: Palindromes of a Number 	
6.Dates and Times	
		Finding Today's Date 	
		Printing the Date/Time in a specified format 	
		Representing the Date in Other Locales 	
		Converting YMDHMS to a Calendar and/or to Epoch seconds. 	
		Parsing Strings into Dates 	
		Converting Epoch Seconds to DMYHMS 	
		Adding to or Subtracting from a Date or Calendar 	
		Difference between Two Dates 	
		Day of Week/Month/Year or Week Number 	
		Calendar Page 	
		High-Resolution Timers 	
		Sleeping for a While 	
		Program: ReminderService 	
7.Structuring Data with Java	
		Data Structuring using Arrays 	
		Resizing an array 	
		Like an Array, but More Dynamic 	
		Data-independant access with Iterators 	
		Structuring Data in a Linked List: CS101 	
		Mapping with Hashtable and Hashmap 	
		Storing Strings in Properties & Preferences 	
		Sorting a Collection 	
		Avoiding that Urge to Sort 	
		Finding an Object in a Collection 	
		Rolling Your Own Enumeration/Iterator 	
		Multi-Dimensional Structures 	
		Finally, Collections 	
8.Object Oriented Techniques in Java	
		Advice, or Mantras 	
		Subclass early and often 	
		Use Design Patterns 	
		Public, Private or Protected? 	
		Printing your objects:  formatting with  toString() 	
		Overriding the equals method 	
		The Hashcode Method 	
		The clone Method 	
		The finalize method 	
		Passing a built-in and returning its value back other than via return 	
		Program - Plotter 	
9.Input and Output with  Java	
		Reading Standard Input 	
		Writing Standard output 	
		Opening a file by name 	
		Copying a file 	
		Reassigning the standard streams 	
		Duplicating a stream as it is written - the UNIX tee command as a Stream 	
		Reading/writing a different character set 	
		Those darned end-of-line characters 	
		Beware Platform-dependant file code 	
		Reading "continued" lines 	
		Scanning a File 	
		Binary Data 	
		Writing DataStreams from C 	
		Saving & Restoring "serialized" objects 	
		Reading/Writing Zip Archives 	
		Reading/Writing Compressed Files 	
		Program: TarList 	
10.Programming Serial and Parallel Ports	
		Choosing a Port 	
		Preparing and Opening a Serial Port 	
		Preparing and Opening a Parallel Port 	
		Resolving Port Conflicts 	
		Reading and Writing: lock step 	
		Reading and Writing: Event-driven 	
		Reading and Writing: Threads 	
		Program: Penman Plotter 	
		Program: JModem 	
11.Directory and Filesystem Operations	
		Getting File Information 	
		Creating a file 	
		Renaming a file 	
		Deleting a file 	
		Creating a Transient File 	
		Changing File Attributes 	
		Listing a Directory 	
		Making new directories 	
		Painting with a Graphics Objects 	
		Drawing Text 	
		Drawing a Drop Shadow effect 	
		Drawing an Image 	
		Playing a Sound File 	
		Displaying a Moving Image via Animation 	
		Displaying a Moving Image via Video 	
		Drawing Text With 2D 	
		Transformations, Rotations, etc. 	
		Printing - JDK1.1 	
		Printing - Java 2 	
		Program - PlotterAWT 	
		Program - Grapher 	
13.Graphical User Interfaces	
		Displaying GUI components 	
		Designing a Window Layout 	
		A Tabbed View of Life 	
		Making a button push do something 	
		Making "Window Close" terminate a program. 	
		When later just won't do 	
		Choosing a File with JFileChooser 	
		Choosing a Color 	
		Centering a Main Window 	
		Changing the Look and Feel 	
		Program: Custom Font Chooser 	
		Program: Custom Layout Manager 	
		See Also 	
14.Internationalization and Localization	
		The Global Reach of Software 	
		Creating a Button with I18N Resources 	
		Creating a  Menu with I18N Resources 	
		Writing Internationalization Convenience Routines 	
		Creating a Dialog with I18N Resources 	
		Creating a Resource Bundle 	
		JILTing your code 	
		Using a Particular Locale 	
		Setting the Default Locale within your program 	
		Formatting Messages 	
		Program: MenuIntl 	
		Program: BusCard 	
15.Network Clients	
		Contacting a server 	
		Handling Network Errors 	
		Reading and Writing textual data 	
		Reading and Writing binary data 	
		Reading and Writing serialized data 	
		Program: Telnet client 	
		Program: Chat Client 	
16.Server-side Java: Sockets	
		Opening a Server for Business 	
		Returning a response (String or binary) 	
		Returning Object information 	
		Handling Multiple Clients 	
		Program: A Java Chat server 	
17.Network Clients II: 
		Web Clients	
		Embedding Java in a Web Page 	
		Applet Techniques 	
		Contacting a Server on the Applet Host 	
		Making an Applet show a Document 	
		Making an Applet run a CGI script 	
		Getting the content of a URL 	
		Extracting HTML from a URL 	
		Extracting URLs from a file 	
		Creating a URL for a local file 	
		Automation: MkIndex 	
		Automation: LinkChecker 	
18.Web Server Java: Servlets and JSP	
		First Servlet: How to generate a page of HTML 	
		Servlets: Processing Form Parameters 	
		Session Tracking 	
		Generating PDF from a Servlet 	
		HTML Meets Java: Java Server Pages 	
		Java Server Pages Include/Forward 	
		Java Server Pages Using a Servlet 	
		Simplifying your JSP with a JavaBean 	
		Simplifying your JSP further with Custom Tags 	
		Java Server Pages Syntax Summary 	
		Program: JabaDot Web News Portal 	
19.Java and 
		Electronic Mail	
		Sending email - browser version 	
		Sending email - for real 	
		Sending MIME Mail 	
		Providing Mail settings 	
		Reading email 	
		Mail it yourself, without using JavaMail 	
		Program: MailClient 	
		Databases, Accessors and JDBC 	
		Text-file "databases" 	
		DBM databases 	
		JDBC Setup and Connection 	
		Connecting to a JDBC Database 	
		Sending a JDBC Query and Getting Results 	
		Using JDBC Parameterized Statements 	
		Using Stored Procedures with JDBC 	
		Creating and filling a table 	
		Finding JDBC Metadata 	
		Program: JDAdmin 	
21.XML: The eXtensible Markup Language	
		About XML 	
		Transforming XML with XSLF 	
		Transforming XML with XSLT 	
		Parsing XML with SAX 	
		Parsing XML with DOM 	
		Verifying Structure with a DTD 	
		Generating your own XML with DOM 	
		Applying XML: SOAP 	
		Program: xml2mif 	
22.Distributed Java: RMI	
		Introducing Distributed Java 	
		Defining the RMI contract 	
		RMI client 	
		RMI server 	
		 Deploying RMI across a network 	
		Program: RMI Callbacks 	
		Program: RMIWatch 	
23.Packages and Packaging	
		Making a package 	
		Documenting your classes with javadoc 	
		Archiving with Jar 	
		Running an Applet from a Jar 	
		Running an Applet with a specific JDK: The Java Plugin 	
		Running a Program from a Jar 	
		"Write Once, Install Anywhere" 	
		Signing your Jar 	
24.JavaBeans: The Universal Component Architecture	
		Making a Class Usable as a JavaBean 	
		Writing a Bean Descriptor 	
		Pickling your Bean into a Jar 	
		Using Visual JavaBean Components 	
		Using JavaBeans in ActiveX containers 	
		Migrating ActiveX controls to JavaBeans 	
		Program - ChartBean 	
25.Threaded Java	
		Threaded Java: Enabling Livelier Applications 	
		How to run code in a different thread 	
		Stopping a Thread 	
		Rendezvous and Timeouts 	
		Catching exceptions in multiple threads 	
		Threaded Network Server 	
		 Program: Background saving in an editor 	
		Program: Threaded Web Server 	
26.Introspection, or, "A Class named Class"	
		Getting a Class descriptor 	
		Finding & Calling Methods (and finding Fields) 	
		Loading a Class dynamically 	
		Constructing a class from scratch 	
		Program: MyJavaP 	
		Program: CrossRef 	
		Program: AppletViewer 	
27.Writing Efficient Java Programs	
		Avoiding Memory Leaks 	
		Performance Measurement: Time Measurement 	
		Performance Measurement: -Xrunhprof 	
		Using Efficient Algorithms 	
28.Dealing with Other Languages	
		Running a program 	
		Mixing Java and Scripts: Java's Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) 	
		Blending In Native Code (C/C++) 	
		Calling Java from Native Code 	
		Program: DBM 	